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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kenneth Cole Shoes + Food Journals

Kenneth Cole Shoes!
So, I understand that I have a shopping problem... But I consider it pretty much my only hobby these days :)  My hubby has Charger's football (season tickets), fishing, Duck's football games, hmmm... I know there are more!  But my favorite relaxing activity is SHOPPING!!!  I love vintage/thrift stores for unique items, and I love the outlets for beautiful pieces at crazy low prices!  Today I dusted, vacuumed, mopped the house, AND mowed my hugely overgrown lawn.  What a great productive workout!  So, while honey was at the Charger's game, off to the outlets I went.  I'm pretty happy to shop without purchasing, so I don't always bring home the huge bag of goodies like I did today :) 

Holiday Shoes XOXO
  I tried on shoes at Kenneth Cole in a size 10, wishing a lil wish... but really not expecting them to fit.  But slingbacks tend to be a bit forgiving :) and the others worked too.  Yay!
Incredibly, all three pairs you see here rang up to a grand total of $36.00.  No joke.  It was a 40% off sale on the clearance.  My lucky day!  If you live anywhere on the 10 freeway, head toward Palm Springs and stop by the Cabazon Outlets.  Amazing deals on end of season goods! 
I didn't think I would like the thick heel, but ladies they are SO EASY TO WALK IN!  My ankles can't handle skinny heels, and I really prefer platforms or wedges, but these are a close third!  So stoked ;)


I also got this cute little wallet at Liz Claiborne on another 60% off sale. 

Ok, enough with the shopping, and seriously, I need to calm down with it. Besides shopping in my spare time, I'm also doing a 30 day fitness challenge and it's caused me to be more mindful about my body.  What I do with it, what I put into it.  All good stuff. 
So...Food Journal are the BOMB!  Just sayin.  If you have never tried one, start tomorrow.  Write down what you eat, what time, and approx. how much of it you ate.  Record your drinks, water, coffee, soda.  I'll put a day of mine up here sometime this week so you can see what it looks like.  You will be SHOCKED at what you're putting in your mouth!  I am always horrified to see how much processed food I'm eating and how my green veggies are lacking.  But I need to do it from time to time to get back on track.
If you need a good read, try "The Eat-Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno.  Her website is here:
It's full of inspirational stories and Tosca Reno being amazing all over the place.  The concept of "clean eating" is something I think about a lot and strive to incorporate into my daily eats when I can.
That's it for tonight!  I'm off the prepare for the week.

Have a fabulous Monday :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the shoes! They rock! And you are the best at finding deals :)

    Food journals are awesome. I've been logging my food every day. Except yesterday. But I'll be back on it today :)
