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Monday, December 27, 2010

Making food from Scratch!

A Story of Progressively Processed Eating Habits
The longer I worked full time, the more responsibilities I started to take on... the more processed food I started eating.  Pasta sauce, canned vegetables instead of fresh, packaged products... FAST FOOD!  I was tired, hurried, and frankly getting a bit lazy...

Since my diagnosis of  Meniere's Disease, I realize that EVERYTHING has tons of sodium! ...and I can't eat it. So I've started to make ALL my food.  Have any of you been to Fresh and Easy Market?  I found some great natural snacks without added sugar/salt/preservatives.  It's so much work, but now that I have to make my food, I'm getting creative and making/freezing things ahead.  Feels like my childhood in Oregon with all the canning and freezing.  Who woulda thought?  I'm right back to my hippie roots.  I'm even composting.. whoa.

A couple tips for going fresh:
Buy fresh chicken and separate/freeze it yourself.  Frozen chicken has added sodium!  Grrrrrr.  I didn't know at first, but my scientist sister-in-law clued me in.

Boil tomatoes, then when the skins "crack" take them out of the water and slip off the skin.  Load tomatoes back into the pot, simmer with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, basil, thyme, and oregano for about 40 min.  Let cool and then freeze in small containers.  Makes a great base for soups, crock pot dishes, or alone as spaghetti sauce.

Cut up potatoes, onions, tomatoes (or use the tomato base from above), garlic, parsnips, and carrots.  Place them on the bottom of the crock pot.  Put frozen chicken on top, then cook for about 4 hours on LOW.  If you try to cook on high, the chicken won't thaw properly and the veggies will be funky.  If you use thawed chicken, your veggies may not be done when the chicken is... I have accidentally left this dish on low for almost 8 hours and it was still tasty :) just a tad dry.  Serve over rice, brown if you have time to make it!

For tasty brown rice - saute the dry rice with seasoned oil (Target, randomly, has a nice selection of infused oils), garlic, and onions.  The rice will retain the flavor better than if you had added it to the water.  A lot of my dishes are served over rice to make them more filling. 

Ok, that's it for now... I'm hungry!  Enjoy your New Year's and eat some healthy food in between the parties :)


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Navigating the Holidays :)

Hi people!  It's been awhile since I've posted and lots has happened.  I've been working on my Meniere's diet, which includes no caffeine (ok, decaf coffee for now) and aiming for around 1000 mg of sodium a day.  Did you know one HALF CUP of Campbell's chicken noodle soup has around 900 mg of sodium?!  Whoa.  Crazy.  It's super hard, but I've lost a bit of weight and am trying to keep on track with it because I can see big improvements already.
Also, BASKETBALL season is going strong.  We just finished a tournament (2nd place trophy) and I'm really ready for some rest. Being a teacher, I get a bit of rest, and even though we have basketball practice, I'll still be s- l-e-e-p-i-n-g as much as possible.  My meds include a diuretic/blood pressure medicine which is a trip because I've always had borderline low blood pressure.  I have to remember to stand up slowly, dammm!  Had a couple close calls, yo.  I'm not trying to pass out in front of my students!

My goal is to get back to my workouts.  Yes, I'm losing weight.  Yes, my clothes are loose... but after running some lines and doing down-ups on Wednesday with my team, I can tell you my fitness is slipping.  I already knew this, but it was reinforced this week: being thinner is NOT my goal in life.  I don't feel great about being a bit smaller, but far less fit.  I'm relieved that my hard fought lessons are still with me :)  I am glad that I care more about being FIT!  

So, holiday eating.  Hmmm.  Everybody has a tip about eating protein before a party, sipping water, keeping your hands busy blah blah blah.  Yes, eat something beforehand.  It's like going to Costco hungry; next thing you know you're double fisting kosher dogs and still asking the sample ladies for seconds.  So yeah, eat something ahead of time.  Other than that, my biggest tips are these:
  1. Don't drink your calories!  Wine, vodka soda, or a nice beer here and there and you're good.  Sugary drinks will make you feel like hell and leave you starving.
  2. Pick your FAVORITES and eat them.  Leave the rest alone.  You're an adult.  You've probably had wiener wraps, cheese plates and/or jello molds a time or two in your life.  and you already know if you like them.  You don't have to try them again "just in case"
  3. Throw it away if you don't like it.  Yup, waste that food, go 'head and do it.
  4. Have FUN!  If you overdo it, well, then just pick yourself up again tomorrow and eat some greens.  You'll be on to the next party before ya know it, so you'll never feel like you're missing out :)
One more thing: the holidays can be a time for love and warm fuzzies, or a time to dredge out painful/awkward/difficult memories.  Either way, don't run to your fridge to celebrate/mope or quit exercising all together.  Spend as much time as you can with the ones you love... and who love you back!

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Happy Hanukkah :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Going out in public in my Wonderwoman outfit

On my days off, I like to try on all my outfits :)  Yes, I have a shopping problem... and not enough places to wear my cute clothes.
Just found this dress at a fab thrift store in Oregon last week... perfect with tights, high boots and a little bit of attitude.

yes, it does have a top! cream and red striped
  I'm going to Costco wearing this... is that so wrong?  lol I have a jacket over it, though :)  Hubby is at the Charger/Raider game and from the looks of it, he won't be happy tonight!  So off I go in a cute outfit to entertain myself for the afternoon.
I might just hit up the mall while I'm at it :)  Wish me luck! 

Chinese Laundry boots size 11 = True love!

Feeling like Wonderwoman

Cardio + Weights

I was reading my friend Karen's blog yesterday... besides being a funny lady, she's also, amazingly, capable of calling a 2 mile jog a "warm-up"  Hmph.  Anyway, in her blog she talks about meeting with a trainer for a body fat assessment, resulting in a new workout plan that includes WEIGHTS in a big way.
Cardio vs. Weights 
Cardio is great, it's important, and necessary for losing/maintaining your weight.  It's also good for your heart and lungs.  BUT weights (my favorite anyway) make a huge difference in SHAPING and TONING, as well as allowing your body to burn a bit more calories because they add to your muscle mass.
Intro to Weights for Beginners
Here is the basic full body weight program I put my b.ball girls on for about a month in the pre-season this year.  It's short - about 35 min or so - and it prepares your body for a more targeted and demanding program later by building a strength BASE to work from.  If you haven't lifted before, you need to start small and work up.  I'm a big fan of working as many muscle groups at a time in one exercise as you can.  It saves time, keeps your heart rate up, and helps with balance and coordination as well.
Here goes:
3 sets of 8-10 reps on each exercise
Do one set, immediately move on the next exercise without stopping; your heart rate will stay high!  I've grouped the exercises for you.  Do one set of each, keep moving until you've done all three sets of 10, then move on to the next group of exercises.  Make sure you warm up with cardio for at least 10 minutes before you begin any weight program.  With all weights, keep your knees soft (slightly bent), your pelvis tucked under, and your abs tight to protect your lower back.  Don't lock those knees and sway your lower back!

Group #1 
Bicep curls - 3 sets of 10 each arm
Tricep extensions - start with a light weight.  Hold the weight with both hands above your head.  Lower the weight slowly, behind your head, keeping your elbows near your ears.
Lunges - 3 sets of 10, alternating legs

Group #2
Calf Raises - 3 sets of 10 each leg
Abs - 100 reps- lay on your back on a bench, holding the bench next to your head.  Bend your legs and bring knees to chest, lower your feet slowly back to the bench until heels tap the bench.  Do not release the tension in your abs when heels touch the bench.

Group #3
Squat Press with weight.  Watch this clip for instructions on how to do a squat properly.  VERY helpful.  Use a light weight to start and make sure your FORM is correct.  Do NOT let your knees come forward of your toes, try putting a bench behind and sit down/get up a few times to get the feel.  If you lose your balance, the bench will catch you :)  The squat press ends with an overhead press of the bar.  Please watch the instructional video!!!  It doesn't include the overhead press, but is very helpful for form.

Group #4
Bench Press - If you can't use the bar (45 lbs), go lighter and use a spotter to help you if possible.  If you don't have a spotter, just use a light weight or a bench machine for safety.  Remember, this is base strength training, you aren't maxing out just yet.
Lat Pull down - this is a machine - it works the muscles that tighten up the dreaded "bra bulge" area on your back. Bonus!

Remember, if you haven't lifted before, use light weight and focus on your form first and foremost.  There's no prize for lifting the most weight. people :)  Unless you're training for the Olympics...


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Meniere's Disease


So if you've read any of my blogs, you may have picked up on the ear/dizzy/vomit thing I throw in there from time to time... I finally got a diagnosis of Meniere's Disease.  It has something to do with fluid in my inner ear, and other boring details.  I'm supposed to eat low low sodium food (bleh), no caffeine, limited alcohol, and a diuretic pill.  I'm like the old people eating low salt and taking meds for their blood pressure!  I think I'm on the same pill as my father-in-law.  Way to make me feel old, thx. 

On one hand, I'm happy to have a diagnosis of something that can be manageable and isn't gonna kill me.
On the other hand, I haven't managed it yet, and sodium-free food is gross.  I love coffee soooo much, and I don't know how I'm going to find another hobby I love as much as eating good food and the caffeinated/alcoholic beverages that go along with them. That's hard.  I used to restrict my diet to an unhealthy level, and I don't want to fall back into that pattern.
It used to be my weird obsession with food restriction... but now it might save me?  Strange... I have to get used to this.  and the disgusting food.
Anyway... that's the update.  I'd love to hear from anyone who has dealt with Meniere's or has any insights\

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving... My loving husband adjusted his plans to drive up to Oregon with me early because I wasn't feeling well.  He really stepped it up, and I'm THANKFUL!  We visited my extended family, traveled approximately 2500 miles!!!  in our Jeep, and made lots of memories along the way.

We drove from SoCal to Seattle, Washington!
Saying Thanks for my family!
My extended family includes a core of a strong, smart women.  I feel more like myself when I reconnect with them (I love you GUYS, too!) and I'm reminded of how resilient we all are.  We have survived all kinds of trials and supported each other through it.  We're not the touchy feely types, we're the get-in-there-and-get-to-work type of women.  I love it!  I was born and raised in Oregon, and I have to say, Oregonians have a special outlook on life and a down to earth mentality.  Sitting around with the kiddos, watching baby kittens out the window, talking about recipes while folding laundry and solving the problems of the world, discussing career plans, college plans, new jobs, comparing our hair, talking about our latest fashion finds... I love girl time :)  I've relocated to Southern California, but my extended family, and a big piece of my heart, remain in Oregon.

Health during the Holidays
I had some grrrrreat food over Thanksgiving.  A newscaster on TV was starting to talk about how many calories a typical Thanksgiving meal contained.  My husband immediately changed the channel.  His comment: Why is that tiny newscaster lady talking about calories?
He said to the screen, "Don't ruin my Thanksgiving!" and changed the channel.  Good for him :)  I agree!  I don't care how many calories my Thanksgiving meal had.  I try to focus on reconnecting with my loved ones over the holidays, and staying balanced with my food intake keeps me feeling balanced in other areas, too.  I don't need to get crazy about calorie counting when my focus is on enjoying life and loved ones.  So I eat an extra roll!  I'll walk a little longer tomorrow :) 
I won't waste another minute obsessing ~ finding balance is my answer :)

So to you all, Happy Holidays!  I hope you all take the time to reconnect with loved ones in your life and slow down to enjoy the season.  While I know things are about to get crazy busy, I'm taking time to sit back, drink some tea and cuddle up by the fire.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

If it's worth having, it's worth working for...

I was reminded of this truth today while running basketball practice.  I have a group of young, inexperienced players who have never played disciplined basketball.  They were frustrated and impatient, wondering when the boring stuff would end and the fun would begin...

What they don't know yet, is that the end result is worth the work.

Sometimes I feel I may come across harsh, or abrupt, both in basketball practice and my daily life.  Even here, where readers may think, "She doesn't know how I feel, she's never been where I am now".  And it may be true.

But I make no apologies.  I know what it feels like to work hard for something I want, I know what it feels like to be lazy and wish later that I had given it my all.  I know what it feels like to have regrets.

I know what it feels like to lose a loved one far too early to disease, and I care about myself, and about YOU, reader... hoping that you care enough about yourself to DO something to change your life for the better.  Writing about it helps ME to do those things, too.

Have you found yourself thinking any of these thoughts?
"I already weigh (blank) number of pounds.  Another ten doesn't matter"
" I haven't exercised in (blank) days/months/years.  Who cares about today?"
" I can start later, I'm busy today"
" Nobody will even notice if I lose weight.  I'm a lost cause."
"I was born this way, I'm big boned."

Truly, we are all born with our genes and chromosomes, passed down from generations.  What we do with those... That's up to us.  Does it matter if you gain another 10 pounds?  If you decide to exercise today?  If you choose that salad instead of fries? 
Of course it does! 

Just ask your heart, as it pumps blood throughout your body.
Ask your knees, ask your back, ask your loved ones who need you to be there for them in the years to come. 

This isn't an issue of vanity, it's the story of your life... 
How long and well do you want to live?
Are you proud of the choices you're making today? 
Are you happy with who you are becoming?

Striving to be skinny just isn't cool anymore (thankfully!). You DO have the body you've got.  Now you have to take responsibility to get the most life and joy and adventure out of it as you can.  If you're making good choices in life, it makes sense that you'll create a life you're proud of.  Whether it's work, school, relationships, your body, your kids, sports, arts, whatever...

if it's gonna be good, it's gonna take work 

It took 9 months of hard work for your momma to make you, and whole lot more work to push you out :)  My mom never lets me forget that!  Nothing amazing, nothing worth having, comes without a fight.
 If it's worth it, you'll work for it. 

Much love,

Monday, November 15, 2010

When Abs of Steel turn into Abs of Oatmeal

I haven't posted in awhile... busy, busy being lazy, busy being sick, busy working/coaching/weight training/shopping/being a wife...
I'm sure you can relate :) 
My abs are the first part of my body to let me know when I'm slacking, and they are telling me to keep working out, and eat more greens!

Workout Challenge Update:
In spite of the squishiness, I'm happy to say I have been doing well on my 30 day exercise  challenge.  There have been a couple days I've missed out, but overall I feel much stronger and back on the path to being fit and healthy.  I successfully resisted the urge to overdo it and injure myself, finding the balance I needed to keep going!  Good job, self! (pat on the back)  I do that a lot... a little self affirmation goes a long way toward keeping myself motivated :)  I'm shameless!
I worked out!!!! Whoo hoo

Health Update:
Well, less good news here... I have been struggling with a blocked Eustachian tube for about 6 weeks.  It's turned into VERTIGO  ack!  A couple of episodes of that finally landed me in the Urgent Care last week, and I'm off work until Wednesday this week.  I've tried everything else, so it's time for me to avoid my classroom for a few days to see if it improves.  I have a new found sympathy for those who suffer from vertigo.  OMG.  I've never felt anything like it, and hope that I don't again.  Trust.Me.  I guess that's one way to lose weight, but I'd rather be chubby and not puking!!!  I guess you never have to worry about me and anorexia!  I.HATE.PUKING.  the end

Holiday Update:
Can I just say right now, aren't holidays the BEST for dressing up?  I love love love having a chance to wear the outfits I have been planning all summer. Finally I can bring out the boots, cute dresses and tights... Yay!  It totally motivates me to exercise when I know I have somewhere to go and something stylish to wear.  A word to the wise: don't let yourself go more than a couple days wearing baggy/stretchy clothes.  I did this one summer and ended up barely squeezing into my work clothes when school started.  NOT CUTE.  Nobody needs to see me squeezed into my pants like sausage casings, or with my brand new stomach hanging out cause I spend all summer eating twinkies.  Not that I eat twinkies.... but still.
I'm going to Oregon to see my fam this Thanksgiving.  Happiness!  I love that they live in the same small town, and I love that I get to hang out with everybody this year.  Family gatherings are the best, and so's the food :)

Issues of the Day
Eating greens: are you eating 2-3 servings of greens a day?  I'm not!  Especially since I've been ill, all I want to eat is soup, cookies, and for some unknown reason, pie.  Probably because it's sitting in my fridge staring at me.  I need to just throw it out... Maybe I'll go do that after I'm done writing :)  Keeping a food journal showed me just how far off I am on my eating goals.  So I'm working on cutting down on sugar, drinking more water, and eating greens each day.  I already know that I feel better when I do, it's just a matter of keeping on it and not forgetting.  It takes preparation, so I need to plan ahead when I pack my lunches for sure.
Caesar Salad
Being Strong
This makes the list today because there are several areas I'm working on in my life right now.  I'm back on track with my weight training, and it makes me feel good to be physically strong (er).  Still working on it!
Another area I'm working on is mental toughness.  It's been a challenge to be sick for so long, and a little bit scary.  Mental toughness is something you learn as an athlete, but since I'm not playing competitive sports any longer, I wonder... Am I getting SOFT??  Is my mental toughness out of shape?  I'm gonna have to say yeah...but I'm trying to figure out the balance between advocating for myself, and just being a big baby.  If you asked my husband, he'd tell you I need some work in this area.  Complaining just isn't cute, so I'm trying to reign it in.   ;) 

So that's what I've been up to... How about you?  Are you stressing about the holiday meals and pitfalls?  Remember to eat your very favorite things... and leave the other stuff alone :)  That's my trick!  Red wine instead of eggnog, less gravy and more green salad, long walks with the ones I love, and pumpkin pie!  Wishing you all a wonderful kick off to the holiday season!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Why do Food Journals make people ANGRY?

Personal Responsibility and Choices

I really like the concept of personal responsibility.  And although I've had TONS of help making it through in my life, I like to think that my highest highs, and loooowest lows are a direct results of my actions and choices.  (and I've made some pretty spectacular bad choices, my friends could tell ya)  Knowing that my failure or success depends on ME is a burden and a privilege...
And, just like pulling out a splinter, or pushing out that last rep in the weight room, it just hurts sooo good!

Food Journals and Admitting to my Eating Reality
Food Journals are hard for me.  I decided to keep track of my eating today, and suddenly felt like the bratty kids saying to my mom "You can't tell me what to do!"

And you know what?  No one really can.  I give myself permission to eat whatever I want, and for that matter, DO whatever I want, and I will accept the headache, stomach-ache, tight jeans, and overall consequences I experience later.
Likewise, I accept the energy, well-being, strength, and satisfaction of the positive choices I made today, if I choose to do so!
I maintain that everyone has the right to be healthy, or unhealthy if they want to.  BUT... and there's always a BUT.  Own up to your life.  If you are making poor choices now, understand that there are consequences.  I struggle with the big picture, and I want to enjoy life NOW.  But at the same time... balance.  Extremes either way carry consequences.  I swear, I'm always trying to find a way around this natural law, but I can't.  CAUSE it's TRUE, dang it.

OMG!  Those pounds just SNUCK UP ON ME!
As Cam from Modern Family would say, "Did they, Mitchell, did they??" while nodding, eyebrows raised...
I know EXACTLY where all 170 lbs of my body came from.  And when I weighed more, I know where that came from, too.  It used to come from compulsive eating, late night binges and cheap food.  And I own that.  But please don't fool yourself into thinking you REALLY DON'T KNOW where they came from!?!

Now my extra lbs. come from beautiful experiences with friends and family, good wine, party times, and lots of love.  I earn those pounds and enjoy every last ounce.  And when it's time to work it off, I do so with the satisfaction that it was well earned and enjoyed.  The feeling is so different now, almost like a gratefulness that I had the chance to do what I love (eat amazing food), and I don't regret it.

So here's my point:
Our choices are ours to make
Some of us have more control over our lives that others, but ultimately the choices belong to us
Obesity is a super serious epidemic
Kids are getting heavier, diabetes is rising at a scary rate
We have the ability to change things for the better

What to do, what to do...
But what are we all doing to ensure a healthier future for ourselves and our children?  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like all the Ab Rollers, Thigh Masters, Slim-Fast promises or Atkin's Diets are reversing the trends.  Being healthy goes far beyond the food on the plate, and into the heart of the person.  No diet can fill your need for approval, soothe your loneliness, or fix the mistakes of your past.  It starts with being happy with yourself, your progress, who you are becoming.  Then the food, or lack thereof, becomes a natural extension of that pride you have in making good choices.

Getting Real and Being Honest
Starting a food journal can be scary because it brings up feelings of deprivation, frustration, failure, even.  But it's also a first step to BEING REAL with yourself.  If you can't face your daily food intake, how can you face your inner demons on a deeper level?  Start small, face your food, accept what it is, and make a positive change today.  That attainable goal, small and simple, can lead to success, and you can build on it to something bigger.  Be kind to yourself, but don't lie to yourself. 

Denial only makes you feel better in the short-term, and if you are surrounded by people who tell you, "Don't buy into the media hype!  Stay true to yourself and EAT what you want, when you WANT it!", find some new friends.  That's all I have to say about that.  It's a damn lie that people should have whatever they want, whenever they want it.  It doesn't work in other areas of my life, and it sure doesn't work with my health!

So here's my jumbled up day of eating today:
5:30 am - Awake and correcting papers
Coffee w/ cream
7:15 - At work, water
9:30 - Salad with vinaigrette dressing
10:45 - Crackers - one serving
1:30  Late lunch, Campbell's Healthy Choice soup - 2 servings
2:45 - 2 small size Halloween candies
Lifted weights - 35 minutes
4 pm - half a bean/cheese burrito from taco bell
BIG coffee with cream
Yelled at kids for 2 hours (basketball practice)
8pm - 4 oz chicken, mashed potatoes/yams, 1/4c corn, 1/3 c steamed broccoli
Piece of pumpkin pie (homemade mmm) with real whipped cream

Overall?  I was sooo busy I didn't take time to eat properly.  I didn't drink enough water, the Halloween candy left me shaky and grumpy.  I was hungry most of the day.  I need more veggies!
On a positive note, I ate a small dinner portion so I could eat my pie.  :) 

I'm guessing that during my crazy day I probably ate something I don't remember right now, and I'm working from memory... So if I think of some huge omission, I'll add it later I promise :)

Goodnight all :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kenneth Cole Shoes + Food Journals

Kenneth Cole Shoes!
So, I understand that I have a shopping problem... But I consider it pretty much my only hobby these days :)  My hubby has Charger's football (season tickets), fishing, Duck's football games, hmmm... I know there are more!  But my favorite relaxing activity is SHOPPING!!!  I love vintage/thrift stores for unique items, and I love the outlets for beautiful pieces at crazy low prices!  Today I dusted, vacuumed, mopped the house, AND mowed my hugely overgrown lawn.  What a great productive workout!  So, while honey was at the Charger's game, off to the outlets I went.  I'm pretty happy to shop without purchasing, so I don't always bring home the huge bag of goodies like I did today :) 

Holiday Shoes XOXO
  I tried on shoes at Kenneth Cole in a size 10, wishing a lil wish... but really not expecting them to fit.  But slingbacks tend to be a bit forgiving :) and the others worked too.  Yay!
Incredibly, all three pairs you see here rang up to a grand total of $36.00.  No joke.  It was a 40% off sale on the clearance.  My lucky day!  If you live anywhere on the 10 freeway, head toward Palm Springs and stop by the Cabazon Outlets.  Amazing deals on end of season goods! 
I didn't think I would like the thick heel, but ladies they are SO EASY TO WALK IN!  My ankles can't handle skinny heels, and I really prefer platforms or wedges, but these are a close third!  So stoked ;)


I also got this cute little wallet at Liz Claiborne on another 60% off sale. 

Ok, enough with the shopping, and seriously, I need to calm down with it. Besides shopping in my spare time, I'm also doing a 30 day fitness challenge and it's caused me to be more mindful about my body.  What I do with it, what I put into it.  All good stuff. 
So...Food Journal are the BOMB!  Just sayin.  If you have never tried one, start tomorrow.  Write down what you eat, what time, and approx. how much of it you ate.  Record your drinks, water, coffee, soda.  I'll put a day of mine up here sometime this week so you can see what it looks like.  You will be SHOCKED at what you're putting in your mouth!  I am always horrified to see how much processed food I'm eating and how my green veggies are lacking.  But I need to do it from time to time to get back on track.
If you need a good read, try "The Eat-Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno.  Her website is here:
It's full of inspirational stories and Tosca Reno being amazing all over the place.  The concept of "clean eating" is something I think about a lot and strive to incorporate into my daily eats when I can.
That's it for tonight!  I'm off the prepare for the week.

Have a fabulous Monday :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Fashion+ Clean Lines + Size 11 Shoes

The military trend commands attention!

Sofft size 11 on ebay :)

I was browsing on Ann Taylor Loft website recently... Such gorgeous pieces!  but I have to say... I don't see myself wearing most of the looks.  Messy layers with belts on top, rumpled jeans shoved into boots.  Super cute on some people, not so much on me.  I feel undone and BULKY with all those layers.  And I'm all about comfort.  I LOVE the clean look of a men's shirt, maybe belted, little Audrey Hepburn pants and flats, but I can't do it.  The restricting feel of tailored shirts makes me crazy.  Am I the only weird one?  Is the rest of the world just suffering for fashion?
Fall Looks I love:
fitted top
ladylike jacket - military is the look this season  
slim pants w/o big bulky pockets
flats or BOOTS
slim leg jeans
oversized top w/belt - just one top, though!  I can't handle three tops and a sweater with a belt.  gigantasaurus!  Really, I feel constricted. 
A little sparkle peeking out from under a jacket, black trousers, pumps
Leggings with boots, tunic, double clasp belt, flat, over the knee boots
tissue thin, long swingy sweaters

Here's a Lane Bryant outfit that works... I would add a belt though...

Add a belt

So simple!  Love it

Ann Taylor Loft sizes go up to an 18 online, and their shoes to a size 11.  I find they have pretty true sizing, so a 12 works for me there...

I just purchased some boots, and pics will be coming soon... I now have far too many shoes, I'm sure over 50 pairs.  With a size 11, as a kid I could never find shoes.  I have some ugggggly pics of me from those days.  Now I can find 11's everywhere.  Ok, everywhere online!
Size 11 Shoes:
Steve Madden
Chinese Laundry -  I have some over the knee boots from this brand, amazing
Stuart Weitzman
Enzo Anglioni
Born - Some grama lookin stuff, but check the website http://borncrown.com/ and see the new stuff.  Amazingly comfortable.  I'm a teacher, so they have to be...
Clarks - Same thing.  Some fugly stuff, but their clogs are super comfy
Cole Haan - although I find their 11's to be a bit narrower than the norm
Nine West

Use ebay as a resource for  shoes!  I try on shoes in the store, then order then online if I find a deal.  And now... I finally have those nude pumps I've been looking for all season!  Too bad I didn't have them for the summer when I really needed them... sigh... but I luv them :)

Fall Fashion Overview
I say... Clean Lines for all.  Limit the ruffles, cinch in at the waist, forgo the bulky pants for a slim line.  Who needs giant pocket flaps on their butt anyway?!

Peep toe, boots, flats, quality.

Don't do all the looks at once.  If you have ruffles, please don't do ruffles with a military jacket with big buttons, over the knee boots and  rumply boyfriend jeans.  Mostly, just don't do rumply boyfriend jeans.  I don't even like them on the little people.  Maybe because I used to wear them back in the day...

I'm a minimalist, generally.  More is more.. as in, it's too much.  Pick a piece, pick a theme, and stick with it.  Not a combo bohemian, military, ruffle thing.  I'm begging you.  Unless it's for Halloween.
So have fun browsing the gorgeous fall fashion.  Cuddly sweaters with slim leggings and boots... Military jackets with clogs? 

You decide, and enjoy!  I love me some ebay shoppin...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Don't Underestimate Your Influence

The Weight Room
Getting into the weight room today was a big reality check.  Seeing myself in all those mirrors, full length no less, motivated me more than ever to get back on the weights wagon.  I miss seeing muscle definition in my arms!  I miss lifting heavy ## and feeling strong.  Although my weight is steady, standing in front of those walls of mirrors reminded me of what once was... and could be again!  lol.  It's time for me to get back my muscles ;)

Influencing Others
Coaching again has been a really positive thing.  How many of us need a challenge, accountability, or both?!  My b.ball team looks to me to design their strength, skill and conditioning programs, so the least I can do is work on my own fitness as a positive example for them.

Saying NO to the Couch
How many of you are struggling with your weight/fitness level?  How many of you find excuses every day to stay in front of the TV with your kids or spouse, or even your pets?  Drop the excuses and get moving.  Each and every day you possibly can.  Living life to the fullest and knowing that others are watching YOU to see what you'll do, how you'll do it, and if you can manage to keep it all together.  Working out has been shown not only to offer amazing health benefits, but mental and psychological benefits as well.
So... what are you waiting for?

Get off that couch!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

30 Day Workout Challenge - Weekend Update!

Workout Update
Today was a great workout, hiking with the kids (dogs) in the hills, a little jog here and there, some intense inclines... I love being out in nature and it's so fun to see my hilarious workout partners running along side me :)  My basset hound, Toby, especially.  His ears are so long, and his legs are so short!  On to yoga/pilates in the form of Louis Solomon's Yoga and Pilates Total Body Toner.  Don't laugh!  I'm still sore from this video a few days back.  Even though I do lunges all the time, the pilates moves really burned my butt and hamstrings.  Love it.

Did any of you make it to this fabulous event?

Party eating and drinking
Last night I went to a GREAT party.  Red wine, sangria flowing... tequila shots in the kitchen and beer in the fridge!  It was in LA, and although I wanted to hit up Love Your Body Day while I was out there, my dear friend's 30th b.day won out for sure!  There were tacos and more tacos and everything good that goes with them.  Yum.  I enjoyed every bite I'm working out a little extra today to make up for it.

Halloween Costumes
Aren't they fun?!  The party last night was a 90's theme, so my husband and I were Bill Clinton and ... drumroll please... Monica Lewinsky!  There are some compromising photos of this that may or may not show up on facebook later ;)

Marathon runners: Formula to run the perfect marathon
Go Karen!

College Friends

A friend of mine from college was at the party and we had a chance to catch up.  She was one of (un)lucky ones to know me when I was a crazy compulsive eater and exerciser.  We talked about it last night, she remembers my midnight workouts, but sadly, we also remembered that my weirdness went unnoticed because many other girls we knew were dealing with more severe issues... lots of bulimia, extreme food restrictions, etc. within the college population.  So sad!  I hate to think that I was a part of that and even encouraging others to be unhealthy during those years :(  On a positive note, she is running in a half-marathon today, Go Karen!  Hopefully she'll leave a comment later and we can find out how it went for her.
Honesty on the Internet
I had this epiphany today about blogging.  I realized that I could be telling you anything!  Making up stuff about my workouts, eating ice cream while I write my blog... lol.  Ok, I'm not!  But I am a part of the 30 day challenge, and I did miss a workout yesterday.  OMG!  I wonder if they'll kick me out?!  Not only did I attend two parties, which also involved over 4 hours of driving, I didn't plan out my day well enough.  I waited to workout, and then my husband needed help at work... and that was it!  We were two hours late to our first party and barely made it on time to LA.  I actually considered trying to workout when I got home at 1 am.  But I realized it was a. already tomorrow and b. completely nuts. 
Whatev... Don't those just sound like EXCUSES?  They do to me, too!  So that's the confession of the day, and it's back on track for the upcoming week :)

Dangerous Work Environments
I have had a plugged right ear since the beginning of the month.  It has been frustrating, painful, and generally a nuisance through multiple dr. appointments and lots of drugs (antibiotics, steroids...)  I work in an old, moldy portable classroom, and I believe that the possibility my ear issue is being caused by mold is HIGH.  I found out Friday that I'm one of three teachers with the same problem, ongoing, at the school.  I'm not sure who's going to address it, but this week we are going have to tackle the problem.  This is my first year in this classroom, so it makes sense it's just now hitting me.  Hopefully that means it's a problem that can be solved!  My last visit with the ENT was NOT encouraging, so this gives me hope the problem can be reversed and I can get my hearing, balance and SANITY back soon!  Wish me luck.

Cheers to another week of FITNESS!  What's your GOAL this week???