Even though you're eating right, working out, trying to get a little sleep... You might still get sick. Bummer. Here's the scenario: you are feeling a little under the weather, so you starting taking Advil Cold and Sinus... But then later that night you can't sleep, so you take some Nyquil. The next morning you still feel like hell, so you pop some Vit. C. Before you know it you're down for the count. In bed with a box of Kleenex and the remote control.
Last week that was me... but luckily I called my friend Shanel and she pointed me down to the local Henry's market and the herb section. Here's the rundown:

Oregano Oil capsules - 2 every 4 hours
Elderberry extract - use in tea alternating 2 hours with the oregano oil capsules

Multi-vitamin + extra Vit. C in the a.m.
Pro-Biotics - a.m.
This sounds like a lot, but compared to taking Advil/Tylenol/Nyquil/Nasal Spray etc, it works for me.
Another important part to the recovery is the Neti-Pot. I have the squirt bottle version, but I've heard great things about the original Neti-Pot as well. Irrigating the sinuses is really important to the healing process. You need to get rid of the bacteria - as gross as it it!

So hopefully you won't find yourself hugging the Kleenex box and watching re-runs of When Harry Met Sally, but if you do, try the natural healing method and let me know how it goes. As for me, I was feeling amazingly better after a day and a half of the health regimen. Pretty awesome :)
Be Well!
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