Today, the state with the lowest adult obesity rate would have had the highest rate in 1995," said Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America's Health.
What the hell is happening in America? We are slowly but surely killing ourselves with processed foods, and waaay too much of them. It's only been 16 years, and already, look at how far we've gone down the road to destroying our health.
Please don't fool yourself into thinking that you HAVE to be saddled with chronic health or joint problems.
While I applaud Ms. Obama's efforts to create awareness and spread the word for health... Obviously it takes more than information and encouragement to make a meaningful change. It takes... Wait for it!
Look, I don't have kids, but I can tell you that as a kid - I ate what Moms dropped on the table. No questions asked. Cause if I DID ask a question... my ass was grass! Eat it or be hungry. Starving kids in Africa, etc., etc.
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Mom put it on the table = I ate it! |
So we have family support as a huge factor in health. Kids do as they see, and sometimes as they're told. The temptation is to buy frozen, tasty, quick meals and throw them in the microwave or oven. Kids might even stay skinny eating it... for awhile. The temptation is to give them the Hot Cheetos, Doritos and soda they want at the grocery store. It tastes so good, it's so convenient, and it shuts them up. But it's not right.
So now that I'm a full time worker, varsity high school basketball coach, wife, pet owner, family member, occasional online grader and sometimes a model ;) I know a thing or two about being busy, even without kids. And I can't imagine how hard it is to juggle parenthood with everything else. So I am amazed by moms and dads everywhere who pull it together. Hugs to you... I know it must be so hard to balance it all.
If you've read my blogs, you know this past year I had to start cooking most of my own food due to health issues.
But hey... I had to do it. No question about it. And I lost 20lbs. And my knees don't hurt anymore. Although I'm a huge proponent of exercise, this weight loss had little or nothing to do with exercise. Much of the time I was too sick to work out. For the first time in my life I truly realized that my diet had more to do with my size than exercise or "genes". It was eye-opening!
So then, kids who are active must be doing better, right? Even if they're eating junk? Sometimes they are, and thank goodness for sports. But like I said, the food and drink have a huge affect here as well...
Here's a scenario: I'm coaching a practice, my girls break for a drink. About 60% are reaching for a Powerade, Gatorade, or some other unnecessary sports (sugar) drink. NOT NEEDED! Unless you're practicing/conditioning for multiple hours a day (think basketball camp, daily doubles, tournaments), you DON'T need to ingest hundreds of calories of sugar to "replenish" yourself. Stop it already!
Get Started Today! Don't wait until you have a serious health problem to make a change
-Start reading labels
-Stop eating sh** from the freezer or can that has dyes, preservatives and tons of sugar or sodium
-Use cheese as a small garnish, not a main ingredient
-Look at your meal: Protein, veggies (cooked and UNcooked), WHOLE grain carbohydrates. Often our meals are heavy on simple carbs (white rice or pasta), fat (non-lean meats and cheese), and things out of a can.
-Don't get canned soups unless you are fully aware of the sodium content! One can of Progresso Light, which I used to eat for lunch at work, has around 900 mg of sodium. 900!!!!! I try to eat less than that all day now...
-If you truly won't take the time to make a salad, buy it in a bag. NOT iceberg lettuce. I used to think I was being lazy, but salad from a bag is better than no veggies just cause I'm tired.
-Choose some good dressings - vinaigrette, oil and vinegar, etc. Add almonds, beans, corn (you can find non-sodium versions of these in a can), lean ground beef or turkey for a taco salad...
-A salad doesn't need bacon bits, cheese, loads of croutons and a mountain of ranch dressing. You may as well eat a hamburger.
-If you have kids... Please don't let them eat school lunches. I'm a teacher. Trust me. Chocolate muffins and chocolate milk for breakfast, processed meats/pizza/nuggets, one apple and sugary juice does not a happy and healthy child make. It makes them cranky, chubby and lethargic.
It's time to ask yourself some difficult questions:
- Do you drink soda?
- Do you eat frozen or processed foods several times a day/week?
- Do you eat fresh vegetables every single day?
- Do you drink hundreds of calories a day (sugary coffee, fruit juice, smoothies, icees, mixed drinks, wine or beer)?
- Do you eat chips or cookies with dyes and preservatives on a regular basis?
- Do you eat past the point of fullness frequently?
- Do you eat greasy or deep fried foods several times a week?
- Do you often have dessert after dinner?
- Do you eat candy bars?
Think about these questions.
You have EVERY RIGHT to continue to eat as much and whenever you please. But take ownership of it. Understand that if you're consistently eating unhealthy food, your size and your health are not due to your "genes". They are due to your choices.
If you know that your day is filled with lean protein, veggies, fruit and whole grains... you probably feel pretty good.
But if you know what you're really putting in your mouth isn't the best choice, if you are brave enough to have SELF-AWARENESS, please be honest and take an inventory of your health.
My family members who eat poorly break my heart, because I know they won't be around as long, or enjoy life as fully. How do I know this? They are already sick, or dealing with chronic issues. That's no way to live.
Whatcha gonna do??
So, the obesity report is depressing. But the best way to combat feeling the funk is to DO something about it. Go throw away ONE thing from your pantry that you KNOW you shouldn't eat. Make a big pot of brown rice, some lean chicken and veggies and dig in. You'll feel better just knowing you did something healthy today. And after dinner, maybe a walk would be nice ;)
I'm pulling for you... and for me! Let's prove that report wrong and start working toward a healthier future.