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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sorry Pacific Northwest, I know it's raining and all...

While friends and family in Oregon and Washington are in the midst of flooding... I feel a lil guilty enjoying my tan from the past couple days of 80+ degree weather.  My husband and I went camping and it was SO beautiful!  Had the chance to go on lots of long walks, chat with friendly peeps at the campsite, and spend time with the husband.  All together lovely.

One of my fave things about camping is the food planning.  It takes a lot of prep, but is sooo tasty.  A quick peek at the meal list:
Fish tacos
Beer/brown sugar chicken bake
Scrambled eggs/veggies/hash browns
Taco salad
Cucumber/tomato salad with balsamic vinegar dressing
Smoking Loon pinot noir

I don't know about you, but a couple good hours of walking + sun + good food = a very happy camper indeed.

I hope you find a way to connect with the ones you love, do what energizes you, and feel motivated to accomplish great things in 2011.



  1. Sounds fun! The only downside of camping is that you can't wear heels :)

    PS - the veggie blog background cracks me up. Can I put rice krispies as my back drop or will that make me a chubster? :)

  2. Right? I wanted something healthy, but I could totally use some cookies on there, too :) I think as long as you don't put carne asada fries on your background, you should be ok :) In fact, that is making me hungry just thinking about it! Dammmmm you Santana's!
